January 11, 2012

Loving the Light...

Mr. B was not feeling well yesterday. Fever, achiness, just a sad little guy. But yesterday afternoon while watching his favorite TV show, Word World, the light on his face made it impossible for me not to grab my camera. And I am so in love with those dear, expressive eyes.


  1. Angelic !! I love the soft look and the unfocused background. You do beautiful work.


About Jennifer

I am an on-location, natural light family, senior, child and maternity photographer in West Michigan, serving the communities of Grand Rapids, Jenison, Grandville, Hudsonville, Allendale, Holland, and Zeeland. I'm also a mommy to two amazing little kiddos, a nature lover, a reader, and a gardener. I love a great charcoal-grilled steak, snuggling up for a good movie, getting a far too occasional massage, and having heart-to-heart conversation with good friends. And I would love to be YOUR photographer!