January 30, 2012

Project 52 - Week 4/52: BOKEH

From Wikipedia:

In photographybokeh (Originally play /ˈbkɛ/,[1] play /ˈbk/ boh-kay, and also sometimes heard as play /ˈbkə/ boh-kə,[2] Japanese: [boke]) is the blur,[3][4] or the aesthetic quality of the blur,[5][6][7] in out-of-focus areas of an image, or "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light."[8] Differences in lens aberrations and aperture shape cause some lens designs to blur the image in a way that is pleasing to the eye, while others produce blurring that is unpleasant or distracting—"good" and "bad" bokeh, respectively.[3] Bokeh occurs for parts of the scene that lie outside the depth of field. Photographers sometimes deliberately use a shallow focus technique to create images with prominent out-of-focus regions.
Bokeh is often most visible around small background highlights, such as specular reflections and light sources, which is why it is often associated with such areas.[3] However, bokeh is not limited to highlights; blur occurs in all out-of-focus regions of the image.

So, given that convoluted definition, "LEGO my bokeh!" (and I pronounce it "bow-keh")

January 22, 2012

Project 52 - Week 3/52: FOOD

I made some zucchini bread this week - probably for the first time in my life (I usually make brownies and cookies if I bake something sweet). But it turned out pretty good and made a willing subject for this week's Project 52 topic. I quickly squeezed in a three-minute photo shoot while Mr. B was on the potty and Ms. E was in her room "reading" her books, before I had to take my creation to my mom's group to be devoured. I wish I had chosen a bit wider depth of field in order to get the flat surface of the main loaf in focus, but the results weren't too bad considering I have never taken pics of food before. :)

January 14, 2012

Project 52 - Week 2/52: UP

Perhaps not the most creative pic in the world for the theme "UP," but here it is. This little girl is such a go-getter - and loves speeding up the stairs whenever she can. At least she deigned to look at me with a smile for a moment in the midst of her mission. :)

January 11, 2012

Loving the Light...

Mr. B was not feeling well yesterday. Fever, achiness, just a sad little guy. But yesterday afternoon while watching his favorite TV show, Word World, the light on his face made it impossible for me not to grab my camera. And I am so in love with those dear, expressive eyes.

January 2, 2012

Project 52 - Week 1/52: BREAKFAST

Here we go for week one of my Project 52 with Clickin Moms! The assignment was "breakfast." Miss E gets some cheerios to snack on while I make up the rest of the gang's food. Don't you just love those little fingers?

January 1, 2012

2011 Christmas Shots

We had a great family Christmas this year. Not too overwhelming, kids liked their presents, it was just a really nice day - even though we all had some degree of a cold!

About Jennifer

I am an on-location, natural light family, senior, child and maternity photographer in West Michigan, serving the communities of Grand Rapids, Jenison, Grandville, Hudsonville, Allendale, Holland, and Zeeland. I'm also a mommy to two amazing little kiddos, a nature lover, a reader, and a gardener. I love a great charcoal-grilled steak, snuggling up for a good movie, getting a far too occasional massage, and having heart-to-heart conversation with good friends. And I would love to be YOUR photographer!